Spring is marvelous here in Seattle, and quite busy. I have been filling my days with teaching, watching children, making art, playing music and holding art workshops. On Sunday I held my first printmaking workshop for adults at my studio. I had a full class and a warm response to the project. Below are some of the wonderful pieces that participants made.
We did rubber block stamp printing on greeting cards and postcards. Everyone had a unique print. I will be holding another workshop at my studio in May.
As many of you know, I turned 27 Easter(April 4th). For the celebration, I tried to cram 27 things into one day! I managed to 23 of the 27 things I wanted to do that day, including going for a dip in cold Lake Washington, my third cold water plunge this year. Some friends and I also hid 27 plastic Easter eggs around capitol hill. Each one contained a snarky note, message, poem or song lyric. Hopefully folks had half as much fun reading them as we had writing them.
On Friday after getting home from work I recieved an important letter in my mailbox. I have been admitted to the Masters in Arts Art Therapy Counseling program at Marylhurst University. Just today I mailed the acceptance postcard! I will be moving to Portland at the end of September to begin graduate school. I am really excited about this. Since before graduating from Northeastern I have known that this is something I wanted to pursue. Finally it's happening. The program is 2 years long and costs more than I've ever paid for any type of schooling in my life. Luckily, a law has been passed begining this summer that all student loans will be issued from the government, eliminating private lenders. This will help with low interest rates. My job now is to apply for as many grants, scholarships and other free money as needed to fund my studies.
At the end of September I will be leaving Seattle and moving my life down to Portland, the city of roses, breweries and ever so many bicycles! I am sad about leaving Seattle, the city has really grown on me over the past few years, but I am excited.
Spring into change with an open mind and a light heart. Enjoy the beauty.