Portland, Oregon is amazing.
Yes, I still live in Seattle, but this past weekend I got to escape and spend the weekend in Portland at a music festival! A super great way to spend my first time in the city.
Earlier in the week, an old friend of mine emailed me and asked me if I wanted to help him work selling cds, t-shirts and such at the fest. All of my expenses were paid, so I decided why not.
On Thursday, with my backpack and sleeping bag I walked down to the Seattle Pier to catch the Seattle-Bremerton Ferry. I felt like I was in Europe again, taking ferries. :-) It was an hour ride, with cold and brisk Pacific winds. The lower level housed the cars and the upper level the passengers. As I shifted my vision from the Olympic Mountain Range, I saw a sea lion pop his head out of the water.
(Goodbye Seattle, for now that is.)
(One of my famous "I hold the camera"shots)
(looking toward the Olympic Peninsula)
Portland Old Time Music Gathering

(jam at the pub)


I can't believe the amazing sounds I heard this weekend at the Old Time Music Gathering. Thursday night we arrived in Portland and attended the Moon and 6Pence Pub for a Jam and Spanish Coffees, the house specialty. The Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders Stringband were in attendance, so I borrowed a banjo from them.

Above are photos from the after party Saturday night at the residence where I was staying. Every room was filled with musicians and sounds. One of the best bass players I heard at Clifftop a few years back was at the party playing.
Around 2am some kids from Portland decided to use the ice cream churn to make homemade chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream. It was placed in the center of the floor and we all sat around it spooning it into our mouths.
Too bad I can't blog the amazing sounds I heard. I stopped jamming at 6:30am and headed to bed. Next to my bed I had laid out on the floor were others jamming. I fell asleep to some of the most beautiful and clear melodies I had heard the entire weekend. For many it had been a sunrise jam. For me, it was a delightful lullaby. My ears were spoiled this weekend.
While I was in Portland, I also did some things that were not at all related to folk music, including:
Voodoo Doughnuts=the BEST donuts EVER

I can't believe I got to try Voodoo donuts TWICE while in Portland. I am so lucky. They are the most amazing, delectable treats. Cool-aid grape, rice
crispy, coco puffs,
Butterfingers, bacon-maple are just some of the wacky toppings. I couldn't even decide which one to get, so I ended up buying a bakers dozen. I am so glad I don't work there, who knows what would happen to me.

Besides donuts, I did do some wandering around Portland. I must come back though, because it was the city of most ridiculous signs, postings and billboards.

A young banjo-
uke player strums below.

With ears spoiled and soul awoken, I will return to Portland.