After driving through the treacherous mountain passes of the Cascade mountains, I have finally arrived in Seattle. Much to my
surprise, there was tons of traffic, go figure, rush hour in the big city. My first thought, "where did all these cars come from?" I guess spending 2 weeks in the middle of nowhere in Montana, I became used to the open spaces and solitude.

Today I woke up and the sun was shining. The above picture was the first I took in Seattle, the view from my front porch down my block. I couldn't believe the sun was shining.

This is a picture of my house. I live on the first floor apartment. Our front porch has 2 rocking chairs and a couch. The house is built on a pile of rocks and dirt. It's huge.
So, my first day in Seattle...
I woke up early, too excited to rest any longer. I made an espresso then decided to take a walk around my neighborhood, Capitol Hill. Below are some of the photos I took during my hike. Yes, it was less like a stroll and more like a hike, up and down and up and down HILLS! There are many steep hills here, and curvy roads. Everything is somewhat on a slope. My street dead ends at a beautiful park with meandering pathways. For the middle of winter the greenery is so lush.

After my walk I came back to the house to meet one of my roommate's friends. Since the weather was so lovely we decided to spend the day taking a tour of the city in his car. The first place we got out at was the Gas Works, park, seen below. It is on Lake Washington. The first picture below is from the top of the hill at the park. The views are beautiful.

(more pictures to come...)
It's was a wonderful first day in Seattle. I even managed to put my bike together, riding it, partially, to the car wash. It's finally cleaned. Riding about this city is a challenge because of the hills...more on bike riding later.
I am happy here, it is 10 times better than I expected. I can't believe that I LIVE in this wonderful place.
More to come...
1 comment:
Brigid- What an adventure! It sounds like you're having a GRAND time.
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