So a few months ago, my mom gave me her final answer about Clifftop. She was definitely going, so I decided to purchase an airplane ticket to fly to West Virginia and meet her. It was pricey, flying from Seattle(SEA) to Charleston(CRW) on over the weekend in the middle of the summer with gas prices soaring through the roof, I was expecting a high price. At least I received mileage for the flights.

Anyways, I had purchased the ticket sometime in June and had been telling everyone about my trip, explaining to them that it would be worth it. This music festival, colloquially known as "clifftop", officially named the "Appalachian String Band Music Festival" has been going on for 18 years in the rural hills of West Virgina. I first started going as a child, I think I was 11 when I first attended, which would have been back in 1994. The last year my family went was 1998. I believe it was then that I stopped playing banjo. Two years ago, a good friend and I drove down to Clifftop. It was that year that I rediscovered the magic that happens there. Last year I was unable to attend. This year, however I met my mom there, it was her first time back at Clifftop in 10 years. She bravely entered the clogging contest. Below is a photo I got of her mid step. 
Many friends here in Seattle referred to my trip to Clifftop as "going back east". I thought it was funny how any time someone travels east of the Rockies, they are going "back east". It's as if we have all traveled "out west" on the pioneer trail, and now are heading back to where we came from. I guess this is true in my case and in the cases of many other transplants.
So, wondering why I don't have any photos of people playing music? I was too busy clawing my banjo and indulging my hearing to the wonderful sounds. Clifftop is probably the best jamming festival I have ever been to. For a week musicians come from all over the world to play tunes non-stop. It's absolute craziness how many tunes are played in this short amount of time. Intense music from people who can't get enough.My mom and I really enjoyed the atmosphere and time we spent together listening and playing.
Clouds are sometimes beautifully captivating. Especially when they are not looming over you.
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