A mile down the Waikiki tourist strip took us to the end of the strip, the Hilton Hawaiian Village and the Wailana Coffee house. We had breakfast at this famous longstanding coffee house. Pancakes with coconut, pineapple and guava syrups were served there, as we talked with Tony about LA and Chicago. He is moving back to LA with Maria in May. Pete and Mags were trying to talk him into visiting Chicago.
On the way back to our hotel, we stopped at the International Market, an outdoor marketplace where you can find anything Hawaiian; t-shirts, jewelry, knickknacks, wooden animals, sandals, body boards, straw mats, towels, etc. I could easily spend my entire allowance there. After about 30 minutes walking around there you could definitely get overwhelmed with "aloha" t-shirts and Orchid print things. Nevertheless, I found some cool things to purchase.
Tony took us to Chinatown in the afternoon. It reminded me of my old Vietnamese neighborhood in Chicago, except larger. We hit up an Oriental grocer. $25 got me plenty of goodies to bring back to Seattle with me, including banana chips, ginger candies, tea, and flavored dried mango, among other things. 
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