Diamond Head Crater

So there was this Arnold Schwarzenegger look-alike guy at the top of Diamond head. He was the park ranger I believe and every 5 minutes he would repeat, like a machine, a brief introduction to the landscape before our eyes. He offered to answer any questions we have. Maria asked him what that strange teal spot in the ocean was. His half-ass answer was that some dye must've spilled into the water. If it were dye, I think it would spread. Mysterious.

It was so great to hike with Maria. We spoke in German the entire time. German is so great for the fact that nearly no one understands us, so we could talk about weird people we encountered on the hike. Climbing all those steps through the tunnels reminded me of being in Europe and climbing to the bell tower of the cathedrals and castles.
This picture was taken from the top of the steps, before I descended. Monkeys would have fun coming down, they wouldn't use the stairs, but instead swing from bar to bar all the way down. As a child I could never get the monkey bars.
My last night with Mom, Peter and I was Wednesday night, they head back to Chicago on Thursday. We decided to go watch the beautiful sunset on Waikiki. Being the tourists that we were, we took tons of pictures of the sunset, us with the sunset behind us, etc. Some of my favorite I've posted below.

Maria came over to hotel in the morning with Tony on their bikes. Tony decided to take the kids surfing. Maria and I left on the bikes to ride to the trail head at Diamond Head Crater. The sun was already high in the sky as we started out, and extremely hot. But it was great to ride a bike on somewhat flat roads again. It's been since Chicago that I've ridden on flat land. The distances seem longer when everything is flat.
After riding back from Diamond Head, I headed into town on my bike in the 90 degree heat. It felt as if I were in Chicago in the summertime, humid and hot. I was in search of the perfect Ukulele. Eventually I found it at the "Good Guys Music" on Kapahulu. Made entirely of Koa wood, with peach colored pegs and a beautiful finish, the ukulele I chose had a perfect soft Hawaiian sound. I spent 4 times as much as I had planned. The reason for this splurge was simple, I didn't want to buy a Ukulele that had been made in China. Being in Hawaii maybe for the only time in my life, I wanted a genuine Hawaiian ukulele. Sorry I don't have any pics of me with my new instrument yet. But you can see what it looks like here http://www.koaloha.com/KoAloha_Products/SopranoStd.html It's so fun to play.
After the sunset and watching this parade of tourists on the main strip, we went to a fancy hotel to watch some hula dancers. Their body movement is so relaxing to watch. Oh yeah, we had fruity cocktails with umbrellas too!
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