09 January 2008

Through the mountains-part I

Waking up to find out I had a flat tire was not how I planned on begining the drive to Seattle. I guess that's just one of the perks to owning a car. Camille said; "At least you HAVE a car", her Saab broke down yesterday.

I hit Missoula in no time, after heading west on 90. It's funny how some people in Montana think that I should wait till spring to cross the mountains. They must think that I am taking a covered wagon or something. I have had no trouble thusfar. The most bothersome part was gettting the melting snow, water, gravel and dirt off of my winshield.

After Deer Lodge and before Missoula, there are miles of forested mountains. It's so picturesque. It is similar to the Alps in Europe. Instead of rocky mountain tops, these mountains are smothered with evergreens, so many of them. Their tops are sprinkled with snow.

I am currently sitting in a cafe in Superior Montana, a place recommended by a native. The Huckleberry Cheesecake is too rich for me to finish.

09.Jan.08 14:42

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